Thursday, June 14, 2012

My problem is that I find hard to tell them...

My problem is that I find hard to tell them...Q: I'm young - 16 years old and I'm a strong Christian. I believe solely in christian dating for my side, and I have never had a girlfriend (thus far) because of my beliefs. In general, people my age find this behavior both pathetic and downright stupid. I have, however, turned down non-Christians on previous occasions. My problem is that I find hard to tell them why I don't date non-Christians. I have trouble finding a way to share my religion in a way that doesn't appear to be arrogant, conceited, and haughty (so that it doesn't sound like "Sorry. I'm a Christian. And we Christians don't date your kind."). So how can I tell others about my beliefs, proclaim the news of Christ, and yet show that I am not arrogant and boastful? - Cameron

Love to Enjoy in Teenage Dating

A: Hi Cameron,Thank for your writing. I really respect your commitment to only christians dating relationship and I believe God will honor and reward you for your faithfulness. As to how to handle this issue with non-Christians, that is a difficult issue for sure. I don't believe there's one right way to do this, but there's a right way for each person. In other words, some people might handle it one way and others might handle it differently, but both ways could be pleasing to God. Here's one possible way of approaching it:

"I don't know if you're aware of this or not, but I'm a Christian, and my relationship with God is very important to me. It's important to me that the people I date also place a high priority on their relationship with God; otherwise I don't believe the relationship will work. Do you have any religious beliefs?" This can be a good way to initiate a spiritual conversation with them. You can find a good girl from any christians online dating sites where you can find number of people who are just thinking like you.

There's a book titled, "Share Jesus without Fear" by William Fay that gives a simple way to share your faith with personals in a way that is non-threatening and non-offensive. The first question is, "Do you have any religious beliefs?" I highly recommend it.

God bless,christiandatingservice