Saturday, June 16, 2012

This way your family has a chance to get to know her and value...

This way your family has a chance to get to know her and value...No matter what age you are, introducing your new significant other to your family can be a stressful situation filled with apprehension and a pulse rate so high you swear you are going to have a heart attack. As a guy introducing a new girlfriend to his family, you are most likely worried your family is going to chase away the best girlfriend you have had yet, hence the reason you haven’t brought her home. Unfortunately for you, you may be right.

As the son in a family, here is what you are going to be up against when you bring a new online dating girlfriend home to meet the family. At the lowest level, you have your siblings. Brothers are actually probably not a concern at all as all you will get is teasing or jealousy, both of which is easier enough to handle. Depending on your sisters, you may or may not have a problem. Girls have a very strong social cast rank, much higher than men, so as soon as your girlfriend walks in the door, your sisters, and probably your mother, are going to have her "type" selected and then treat her accordingly. With any luck she will pass the test, but more likely, if she is too much like them or too much unlike them, you may have a problem.

Intro online dating girlfriend to family

This is why it is important you prep your family for her arrival by letting them know what to expect before she walks through door. People who are in shock or are stunned, tend to be on the defensive and therefore if she has some element of surprise that may shock them, dress wise, hair color, or a tattoo, so they don’t go after the faults they see right off the bat. This is especially a concern if you have a conservative manner. If you know something about her may put them off, slip it into conversation beforehand so that they have time to adjust to the idea. As a guy you are more likely hoping it will just slide once she gets there, but any dating woman will tell you that is not going to happen.

Along the same lines, if your girlfriend is prone to speaking your mind and you know there are arguments that she could start along certain political lines or family lines should the topics come up, advise your perfect dating partner to avoid talking about them with her family. It is not that you are trying to hide her viewpoints, just let her know anything is fine to talk about except these few areas. This way your family has a chance to get to know her and value her opinions on touchy subjects instead of being turned off to her immediately after they meet her, because it is true, first impressions last a lifetime, and they go both ways. If your girlfriend hates your family, she won’t want them in the rest of her life, which means she won’t want you either. So best be prepared so everyone starts out right.