Thursday, August 9, 2012

Many times, it was found that the lack of sexual knowledge...

Many times, it was found that the lack of sexual knowledge...We all know that sex is an integral part of marriage. Many times, it was found that the lack of sexual knowledge has destroyed impending marriages between many women seeking men and men seeking women. Therefore, this information is very important to improve the lives of couples after marriage, as we have seen that men and women have many misconceptions about sex, which then culminates in a series of problems with sex. There are many facts about sex and things that should be considered a healthy sex life, and to avoid problems with sex after marriage.

Sexual problems in men after the wedding: Some of the most eminent men of sex after marriage

Disorders of ejaculation: This is a common disorder that occurs when ejaculation occurs before or shortly after penetration, or ejaculation or ejaculation is slow instead of coming through the urethra into the bladder forced to return.

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Erectile Dysfunction: This is a disorder that makes it difficult to get an erection, to eliminate any possibility of sex. Inhibited sexual desire: some of the physical and psychological reasons have decreased the desire or interest in sexual activity. This decrease or lack of interest is known to prevent sexual desire.

Sexual problems in women after marriage: the most popular women's sexual problems face after marriage is lack of sex tonight desire with their partners. This is a problem for most women after marriage. There could be many, such as stress and depression.

Difficult to achieve orgasm in women with this problem can be delayed orgasm, or it can also happen that orgasm is not achieved something. Pain during intercourse: This disorder is very common and causes pain you may lose interest in sex.

Solve problems with sex after marriage is common. No reason to panic, we have to do is stay calm, contact your doctor for advice on end, and share all your problems of having sex with him without hesitation.