Friday, July 20, 2012

As discussed already women hate to be treated as sex objects. So, even...

As discussed already women hate to be treated as sex objects. So, even...Most often women are not as expressive as men especially when it comes to sex. Women’s problem is that they hesitate or feel shy to express their feelings. This is when men adult personals need to understand the situation, be considerate, thoughtful and make them feel comfortable. This can be done by implementing a few sex tips.

Common Sex Mistakes Made By Men

However, in most cases men overlook these issues. Some of the common sex mistakes committed by men are mentioned below:

• Women have an entirely different attitude when it comes to having sex. They do not want to be treated as mere sex objects. They like their partner to be more considerate and not to be too quick.

• Women love to have a lot of foreplay filled with kissing and cuddling. Men usually ignore this fact.

• Another big sex mistake which most men commit is ignoring erogenous zones of women. Few areas that can drive your partner crazy are her clitoris, breasts, neck, inner thigh, back of her knees, spine and lower back. These areas are very sensitive and caressing or fondling them can stimulate her and at the same time express your love for her.

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• Avoid having intercourse in complicated positions. Since these positions will require you to spend lot of time trying to keep the position going on rather than pleasing your partner.

• Do not hesitate to ask sex experts and get all your sexual doubts cleared. This can help you in enjoying a smooth and healthy sexual life.

• There are few positions that are most appropriate for sex dating and that guarantee your partner a mind blowing experience. So identifying these spots can be a big challenge for you.

• Common men problem is with ejaculation. However visiting a doctor for sexual counsellings can help in resolving this issue.

• Most men often keep their weight off women while performing sex. This is a big mistake which they commit. Most women like their partners to press against them as they love to be pressured by at least some of their partner’s weight in order to feel them and their weight.

• Never hesitate when it comes to communicating with your partner about what they like and at the same time express your feelings by sharing what you like the most.

• Pleasing yourself is no doubt very important but in this process, make sure you also take your partner’s feelings into consideration.

• Most women consider sex to be a passive act unless they are on top. Do not let them do all the action when they are on top. Try to reciprocate by doing some action from your side.

• The biggest sex mistake which men make is let go of their partner immediately after it is over. As discussed already women hate to be treated as sex objects. So, even after you are done, let them know how much you enjoyed it by kissing them, cuddling them or holding and complimenting them.

These things if avoided can make your sexual life a most exciting one.